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What is Retinal Detachment?

The retina is a delicate layer of cells at the back of the eye that captures light and sends signals to the brain, enabling sight. Normally, the retina is attached to the eye wall. Retinal detachment occurs when the retina separates from the eye wall, similar to wallpaper peeling off. This can cause blindness or permanent vision loss due to the interruption of blood and oxygen supply.

Is Retinal Detachment an Emergency?

Yes, retinal detachment usually requires immediate treatment. Retinal detachment with new symptoms and signs of peripheral vision loss, which can affect central vision, may need same-day surgery. This is known as macula-sparing or macula-on retinal detachment.

Different Kinds of Retinal Surgery

  • Vitrectomy Surgery: This is the treatment for most retinal procedures. It involves microsurgery inside the eye to access the retina and remove the vitreous gel.
  • Scleral Buckling Surgery: This is preferred for patients with retinal holes. It involves surgery on the outside of the eye wall, placing a silicone band to push the wall inward against the retinal break, along with laser or cryotherapy to seal it.
  • Pneumatic Retinopexy: This involves injecting a gas bubble with cryotherapy or laser, without vitrectomy. It may be performed later.
  • Laser Surgery: This is generally used for smaller detachments of the peripheral retina.

The treatment depends on the type of retinal detachment and the patient's age. Our retina specialist will discuss the most suitable treatment options with you during your consultation, including whether surgery is required.

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Treating Different Retina Conditions

  • Diabetic Eye Diseases
  • Epi-retinal Membrane
  • Eye Floaters
  • Familial Exudative Vitreo Retinopathy
  • Macular Hole
  • Posterior Vitreous Detachment
  • Retinal Detachment
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Retinal Detachment
  • Vitreous Haemorrhage
  • Vitreo Macular Traction

Symptoms and Signs of Retinal Detachment

Symptoms include:

  • A shadow (grey or dark curtain) in the peripheral vision
  • Loss of central vision due to the rapidly expanding peripheral shadow
  • Sudden onset of visual floaters
  • Onset of flashing lights

Some patients might not immediately notice the loss of central or peripheral vision, especially if it occurs in the non-dominant eye.

Why choose us for eye surgery

How to Avoid Blindness from Retinal Detachment

The key to avoiding blindness from retinal detachment is early diagnosis and proper treatment by an eye surgeon. Treatment is most effective when the detachment is limited to the peripheral retina, before the central vision is affected (macula-sparing or macula-on retinal detachment). Once the central vision is involved, it is challenging to restore vision completely to normal.

It is crucial to have your eyes examined by a retinal surgeon within 24 hours after experiencing any sudden loss or change in vision.

Possible Risks with Retinal Detachment Surgery

While retinal detachment surgery carries some risks, the risks of leaving retinal detachment untreated are far greater, potentially leading to irreversible and complete vision loss. The possible risks associated with retinal detachment surgery include:

  • Bleeding or infection, which could cause blindness (less than 1 in 1000 chance)
  • Increased chance of developing cataracts, treatable with further surgery
  • Temporary increase in pressure inside the eye
Success Rate of Retinal Detachment Surgery at Optimal Vision Clinic

The success rate of retinal detachment surgery depends on several factors, including the type and duration of the detachment. For the common type of retinal detachment (Rhegmatogenous), a UK study involving 4231 patients conducted by a large group of vitreoretinal surgeons demonstrated a retinal reattachment success rate of at least 85-88%. At Optimal Vision Clinic, our success rate is over 90% with a 0% infection rate.


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