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Lens replacement surgery Lens replacement surgery
SILK Laser Eye Surgery New Era of Laser Vision Correction


  • Fast Visual Recovery
  • High Patient Satisfactory
  • Ultra Precise & Accurate
  • Delivering Exceptional Patient Outcomes
  • Minimally Invasive
  • Improved Comfort Post Treatment

What is ELITA Femtosecond Laser?

The ELITA femtosecond laser is a type of laser technology primarily used in refractive surgeries such as LASIK,
Lens and Cataract surgeries as well as Corneal Transplants.

Its main features are:
Precision and Speed 1. Precision and Speed

The femtosecond laser operates with extremely short pulses (on the order of 10-15^ seconds), allowing for highly precise and minimally invasive cuts in tissue.

Reduced Heat Damage 2. Reduced Heat Damage

The short duration of the pulses minimises heat diffusion to surrounding tissues, reducing the risk of collateral damage and promoting faster healing.

Customisation 3. Customisation

The ELITA femtosecond laser can be tailored to the specific needs of each patient, allowing for personalised treatment plans that can improve surgical outcomes.

What is so special about it?

  • Enhanced Safety: The accuracy of the femtosecond laser reduces the likelihood of surgical complications.
  • Improved Visual Outcomes: Patients often experience better visual acuity and quicker recovery times.
  • Minimised Patient Discomfort: The minimally invasive nature of the procedure typically results in less pain and a more comfortable recovery process.

The ELITA femtosecond laser represents a significant advancement in ophthalmic surgery, providing surgeons with a powerful tool to improve patient outcomes in various eye surgeries.

Which procedure does it assist with and how does it work?

  • LASIK Surgery: The laser is used to create a precise corneal flap, which is then lifted so that an excimer laser can reshape the cornea to correct refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
  • Cataract Surgery: It assists in creating precise incisions and softening the cataract, making it easier to remove and reducing the risk of complications.
  • Corneal Transplants: The precision of the femtosecond laser allows for more accurate cutting of donor and recipient corneal tissue, potentially improving graft fit and healing.

Who can and can’t have it?

The ELITA femtosecond laser can be used for a variety of ophthalmic procedures, particularly in LASIK and cataract surgeries. Suitable candidates for procedures involving the ELITA femtosecond laser typically include individuals who meet certain criteria.

Here are the key considerations for determining suitability:

LASIK Surgery:

  • Age: Candidates should generally be over 18 years old, as vision tends to stabilise after this age.
  • Stable Vision: Vision prescription should be stable for at least one year prior to surgery.
  • Refractive Errors: Suitable for correcting myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.
  • Corneal Thickness: Adequate corneal thickness is required to create the corneal flap without compromising corneal integrity.
  • Overall Eye Health: No existing eye conditions such as keratoconus, severe dry eye, or untreated eye infections.
  • General Health: No systemic health issues that could affect healing, such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune diseases.

Cataract Surgery:

  • Diagnosis of Cataracts: Patients with cataracts that affect their vision and daily activities.
  • Overall Eye Health: Healthy corneal structure and no other significant eye diseases that could complicate surgery.
  • General Health: Healthy enough to undergo surgery and anaesthesia.
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Corneal Transplants and Other Procedures:

  • Specific Conditions: Patients requiring corneal transplants due to diseases or damage affecting the cornea.
  • Healthy Adjacent Tissues: Surrounding eye tissues should be healthy enough to support healing after the procedure.
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General Considerations:

  • Realistic Expectations: Understanding the potential risks and benefits of the surgery.
  • Commitment to Post-Operative Care: Willingness to follow post-operative care instructions and attend follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and optimal outcomes.
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  • Pregnancy or Nursing: Hormonal changes can affect vision stability.
  • Severe Dry Eye Syndrome: Can complicate healing and affect surgical outcomes.
  • Active Eye Infections: Any active infections should be treated before considering surgery.
  • Unstable Refractive Errors: Fluctuating vision prescriptions can affect the long-term success of the procedure.

A thorough evaluation by an ophthalmologist or eye surgeon is essential to determine if an individual is a suitable candidate for a procedure using the ELITA femtosecond laser. This evaluation typically includes a detailed medical and eye history, a comprehensive eye exam, and various diagnostic tests to assess the health and structure of the eye.

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