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YAG Laser Capsulotomy

Yttrium Aluminium Garnet or YAG Laser Capsulotomy is a type of laser surgery that deals with one of the most common side effects of replacement lens surgery. After undergoing lens surgery, patients may experience blurred or double vision for a period of time. This happens due to a condition called posterior capsule opacity or PCO. When there is PCO, a haze develops in the natural membrane of your eye behind the artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implant. If the haze affects your eyesight, you may require a one-time laser method to remove it using the YAG laser. This occurrence may take place soon after the procedure during the initial recovery period or sometimes even months post surgery. You cannot predict who will develop PCO, but there is some evidence that suggests that younger patients have higher risks of developing PCO after undergoing cataract surgery.

YAG laser treatment is a quick, straight forward and pain-free method to correct the problem of haziness in your lens. This is a non-invasive surgery which can restore your eyesight to the level it had been after your initial lens exchange treatment. It is a simple method and can be done in just a few minutes.

Contact Optimal Vision in our Birmingham Clinic and speak with an expert to find out more about YAG laser treatment and how we can help you restore your vision again!

What to Expect During A YAG Treatment

  • On your YAG treatment day, your surgeon will explain the treatment to you and answer all of your questions related to the risks and benefits of the procedure.
  • Before the procedure, dilating and anaesthetic drops are instilled into your eye/s so that you cannot feel anything during the treatment.
  • The YAG laser is used to create a small opening in the lens by removing the cells responsible for the haze. This provides a clear path for your eyesight and restores the vision to the level it had been after you had undergone your initial lens replacement surgery.
  • The YAG laser treatment takes less than five minutes. Your surgeon will need to check your eye/s around 20 minutes after the YAG treatment has been done. This is to ensure your eye pressure in the treated eye or eyes are back to normal before you leave.

What are the Treatment Results?

YAG laser treatment will give you immediate results. In some cases you will experience blurred vision due to the dilating eye drops that were instilled prior to the YAG treatment. Your surgeon will advise you to rest your eyes after you return home until the drops wear off. Within a few hours, your eyesight will be crystal clear again.

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Do you need Aftercare Appointments?

We recommend that patients schedule a follow-up appointment with their optometrist. This aftercare visit will help us monitor your vision progress and ensure there are no issues with your lenses or eyes. It's important to have an annual eye examination with your optometrist to maintain optimal eye health.

We recommend that patients schedule a follow-up appointment with their optometrist. This aftercare visit will help us monitor your vision progress and ensure there are no issues with your lenses or eyes. It's important to have an annual eye examination with your optometrist to maintain optimal eye health.

Comparison Optimal Vision High Street Laser Providers Hospital Chains
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Market Led

Fees Applies

Aftercare Team

Consultant Led

Various With No Consistency

Consultant Led

Free Aftercare Duration

20+ Years - First Year Free

Few Months Free

Few Months Till Discharged

Transparent Fixed Pricing

Consultant Led

Medication and Eye Drops

12 Months

3 Months

Excellent Trust Pilot Rating

Interest Free Credit Options*

12 Months


Customised Wavefront Treatment

Cost Dependant


Meet Your Surgeon

From The Beginning All The Way Through Your Journey

Day Of Surgery With Minimal Interaction

Partially - Dependent On Hospital

*Not Applicable To Current Promotion


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